Thursday, October 23, 2014

Discover Why Promoting Affiliate Programs Has Become so Popular

Discover Why Promoting Affiliate Programs Has Become so Popular

Promoting affiliate programs is most of the most popular methods being used today to develop a home based business. There a number of advantages to affiliate marketing compared to other types of online business models, apart from the obvious one of the ability to rapidly develop a substantial source of extra income.

Let’s examine a few of the benefits:

No product required: Developing or sourcing your own products can be exorbitant, however with affiliate marketing the products or services are all supplied by the merchant.

Low start up costs: The only equipment you need to get started with affiliate marketing is a computer and a fast internet connection.

No licenses or fees payable: The benefit of starting an affiliate marketing business means you don’t have to pay any fees or obtain any licenses, as you do with a normal brick and mortar business.

Virtually limitless products: These days just about anything you can think of is sold online, all you need to do is find a merchant that sells what you are interested in and join their affiliate program to promote it.

No experience required: You don’t need to be an experienced salesperson to become an affiliate marketer, and most of the merchants will provide you with articles and emails etc. for selling their products or services.

No staff: You don’t have to worry about hiring and paying staff, down the track as your business expands you might like to consider outsourcing some of the work, but initially you can get started on your own.

No requirement to establish merchant account: For anyone that has already been in business you will know that setting up merchant accounts can be costly and time consuming, but as an affiliate marketer all you need is a PayPal or bank account to be able to receive your commissions. No more worrying about charge back or fraud.

No stock takes and inventory lists: As an affiliate marketer you don’t have to be concerned about doing stock takes or where you are going to store inventory items, this is all handled by the merchant.

No dealing with customers: When a customer clicks on the link to buy a product in your website, they are taken to the merchants website to conduct the actual sale. This means you don’t have to worry about processing orders or dealing with customer information or queries.

Worldwide customers, open 24/7: Once you have built your website it is open worldwide 24 hours a day 7 days a week, so you can go off and do other things, no need to sit by your computer except to check how much money you have made.

No dispatch and postage: Once you make a sale you don’t have to worry about packaging and sending the goods to customers this is all dealt with by the merchant.

Risk factor: What if the product you selected isn’t making you money? No problem, just choose another one to promote instead. You are not locked into any contracts so you can shop round until you find something that is worthwhile and pays.

Income potential: The beauty of affiliate marketing is that the amount you earn is only determined by the amount of time and work you are prepared to put into it, be that just a few hours or a full time business that is all up to you.

Developing Your Business In Affiliate Marketing

Developing Your Business In Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing is becoming an increasingly popular way for someone to make money on the web. How much you can potentially earn depends on how well you can execute your own marketing programs. The goal is to get your website visitors to click on your affiliate link and make a purchase on the merchant's site.

There are four roles in a typical affiliate marketing program. There is merchant who owns the brand, there is the affiliate who is the one driving customers to the merchant's site, there is the affiliate program network that takes care of the payment from merchant to affiliate, and there is the customer. In larger programs, there may be another layer that manages the affiliates. These groups of players form the affiliate network.

The whole premise of affiliate marketing is attracting customers to your website where you have posted links to the brand sites. Your goal is to motive these customers to click on those links.  You will get paid per click, and you will get a higher commission if the visitor ends up making a purchase on the brand site.

So, what are some of the ways that you can use to drive customers to your website? First of all, you  should be very familiar with the product that you are promoting. You need to establish yourself as an expert in this area so you can write intelligently about the product and the line of business. For example, if your are promoting a line of health supplements, you will need to write about healthy ways of living and how different supplements are beneficial.

Therefore, when you are choosing a product to promote, pick something that you are passionate about or which you have experience in. You may want to purchase the product yourself and try it before making a decision of promoting it in your business.

You will need to build a good website that will have rich content relating to the products. Offer useful information that helps people in their lives. Avoid just hyping your products, but frame the context around how these types of products can benefit your visitors.

You should take advantage of all of the social media platforms that encourage sharing of information. If one person likes your products, he will share it with his friends and family in his social network. Use social media to offer incentives and special promotions. Make it worthwhile so people will want to share it with their friends.

Learn effective techniques in search engine optimization. This is how you can give your website a good chance to be discovered when people search on your line of business through search engines. There is a lot to be learned in effective SEO, so make a point to learn more about this.

Monitor your site traffic to see if your strategies are working. Be creative in ways to draw in visitors. The more people you can attract to your website, the greater chance more people will click on your affiliate links.

Choosing A Good Web Host For Your Marketing Needs

Choosing A Good Web Host For Your Marketing Needs

The internet is available twenty four hours a day. This means that traffic can continue to flow at all times to your website, and is the reason why your website needs to be ready and available consistently.

You can lose potential customers and income even if your site is unavailable for a small amount of time. That being said, it is very important that you chose a very reliable web host. There are a few things to consider that will help you find a web hosting service that is credible.

First, you must be sure of what you are looking for before you actually choose a web host. Develop a plan in advance and find out if your web hosting service can do all of the things that you want it to do.

If you are a webmaster or blogger that has plans to make it real big in the industry, then you need to be sure to choose a web host that will accommodate all your future requirements and plans.

Try to choose a company that will be both reliable and will give you room to grow. Opt for a web hosting service that will allow you to expand in order to grow your website in the future.  

This is because when your website eventually becomes settled and is successful, it will be hard to change web hosting companies. So, it is a very good idea to be prepared well in advance so you do not end up in this situation. Plan ahead carefully so that your website is able to expand without having any issues.

Secondly, before you purchase the web host services, always try to get a trial period first. A majority of the internet's web hosts will give you a strong money back guarantee. Also, they will allow you a trial period before you have to purchase their services.

Honestly, web hosting companies are not trying to scam you, and they back up their services. They are very well known for providing their new customers with trial offers. This is one of the signs that this is a credible web host company.

Last, if you have numerous websites in various niches, then test out a lot of web hosts. Do not be afraid to try out your hand on different web hosting services to be on the safe side.

It is said that you should not place all of your efforts into one strategy. The same thing goes for using web hosting services.

If anything were to happen due to a hosting problem and the site had to be taken offline, then you know that your other sites would still be running properly. Your ideal goal is to be sure that all of your websites are kept running smoothly, despite issues or problems that you might encounter.

All in all, considering these few tips when choosing a web host company that is right for you can help you to avoid problems in the future. Taking your time to pick the service that will best fit your needs can result in success.

Building Your Affiliate Marketing Assets

Building Your Affiliate Marketing Assets

One of the biggest mistakes made by affiliate marketers when they first set up is failing to recognise that they are actually starting a business. Consequently if you want to be successful you need to have the right mindset and manage your business accordingly, not doing this is the one of the fastest roads to failure.

If you look at it from another perspective you are establishing a marketing company and your websites and affiliate links are your assets which you can build to be as big as you want, you are only limited by your time and imagination.

There are a few steps you can take which makes you stand out from the crowd and avoid the stamp of being a “newbie” or unprofessional.

Step 1: Websites and domains

It’s important to have your own domain(s) and website(s) for several reasons. One is that you have complete control over what you choose to promote, and what ads and banners you want to put on your site. You can create an eye-catching professional layout or have someone do it for you if that is beyond the scope of your abilities.

Secondly you are able to have your own personalized email and you appear far more professional when you have your own domain, as opposed to having freebie hosting without a decent or keyword enhanced name. An extra benefit is that your website and domain are assets that can be sold down the track if you choose and if you have developed them properly. You can buy a domain for around $10 and monthly hosting can start as low as $6.00 per month, so it’s well worth the small investment.

Step 2: List building

All marketers know you need to get traffic to your website, to click on your banners and ads to make money, no clicks – no sales. But getting traffic can be hard work. Even when you get visitors to your site you generally only have one shot at nailing their business. What you need to do is build up a customer list so you can get repeat visitors. You can do this by creating a signup form on your website for your newsletter or offering a free downloadable gift or service in return for your visitor subscribing to your list. Once you have established a list you can email your customers with your offers and promotions on an ongoing basis.

Don’t just contact your list when you are selling something, try and share useful information or advice, try and build trust so your customers will know to value what you are offering them, and buy from you when you do have a promotion. It is generally accepted that your list has a value of $1 per customer, so again another asset to nurture and build.

Step 3: Traffic

The lifeblood of affiliate marketing is traffic, but not everyone can get on the front page of Google so where else are you going to get traffic? Unless you want to pay for it and that can be very costly.

A few methods you can explore are: writing articles, press releases, posting in forums, commenting or guest posting on blogs, offline advertising, and classified ads.

You don’t have to do everything at once, start off with one, master it then move on to another. It’s important to test your results, check to see which method is most effective and keep doing that.

Having an affiliate marketing business is all about repeating systems that work, so just make sure you develop a system first, then rinse and repeating the methods that work for you.

Being A Success With Network Marketing

Being A Success With Network Marketing

Network Marketing, also called Multi-level Marketing or MLM, has long been around to help people make money. From the makeup companies like Mary Kay and Avon, to companies like Amway, network marketing has made a lot of people a lot of money. However, there are some things you need to know about network marketing.

The first thing you have to know is that you are not going to get instantly wealthy from network marketing. It might seem as if it is incredibly easy to make money, and in theory it is. You can make money two ways, of course. One way is by selling the product, and the other way is by recruiting others under you, who will sell the product and kickback a percentage of that sale to you. In theory, it seems easy.

However, you need to realize that recruiting is harder work than you may think. That is why you must make sure you are always out there trying to recruit people. You need to dedicate time every day for just marketing efforts. A lot of people think it's enough to just sell your product and bring on those who seem interested, but that is not enough. You need to actively recruit people for the business opportunity, even if they may not be as interested in the product you are selling.

Speaking of products, you are going to really need to make sure that your product is worth buying. That is one of the worst parts of network marketing. A lot of people want to get rich quickly, and don't care about their product, only concentrating on getting their bottom line. However, just like you should dedicate time to recruiting people, you should dedicate time to straightforward sales. You don't want to rely on only one way to make a living. That's why you must take the time to seriously sell your product. The more you know about the product, the more you will be able to interest others in the product itself and the business opportunity.

You need to make sure that you spend time learning as much as you can about your business. Any good network marketing company offers training and help for those who are in the company. Take advantage of as much as you can, and make sure that you take the time to really learn about what your company is doing. That will only benefit you in the long run.

You should also make sure that you talk to other network marketers, and not just those in your company. You can get a lot of advice from people about things you can do to make yourself more money and to recruit more people. You can also learn to avoid a lot of the mistakes that people generally make.

Network marketing can be a great way to make money, but only if you stay committed and do the work it takes. Use the tips in this article to push you forward. You can be a success if you stick with it.

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Social Media Marketing Tips

Social Media Marketing Tips

Social media marketing is a great way to create a relationship with your customers. I have worked as a social media manager for the last 3 years. In those 3 years I have seen a lot of things. I have seen business who believe that social media marketing is just about tweeting out their specials and coupons. Businesses who market like that do not do well in social media. When people use social media they are looking entertainment and information. Coupons and special alerts are not entertaining or informational. Businesses who do well in this arena build relationships and rapport with their customers.

The Iron Wall Must Come Down!

The divider that neatly places customers and businesses into separate sides must be destroyed. We live in a world where the Internet has turned the average consumer into an enthusiast and there are more prosumers than ever. A prosumer is a consumer who becomes and expert on whatever he or she wants to buy. The Internet has made so that anyone can research a product and learn everything about. So today's consumer doesn't need you to give them a feature and benefits sales pitch on social media.

What do consumers need from businesses on social media? They need you to give your business a personality. Look at how Apple had Steve Jobs as the face and living ethos of the company, look at how GEICO has that charming lizard. Social media marketing gives your business another way to brand itself. It's a way to breathe life into a new narrative that can endear the public to your company.

Take a look at reality shows that are about businesses. It is the people who work their and the culture of their business that takes up the bulk of the story line. You don't need a reality show to do this, you have social media.

Share some of the interesting things that go on at your business. Tell you social media friends about new ideas that you have. Joke with them, share videos and silly pictures. Turn your company into something who's personification is not because of their incorporation status but because of how you connect with people.

The same lesson that I am teaching you here, is what I had to learn in business. As a newbie Internet marketer, I believed that all I needed to do was present the facts and my use of logic would draw people in. WRONG! People make choices based both on emotion and logic. The more rapport you have the more money you make.

As you can see, social media marketing requires an adjustment in how businesses relate to customers. Social media marketing is about sharing, relating and humanizing your company. Businesses who know this freely share with their customers and social media friends and followers. This rapport building leads to trust and a deeper relationship. If used right, it is the ultimate branding device. Use the information shared here to create a better social media strategy.

Social Media Marketing Tips That Work

Social Media Marketing Tips That Work

In our world today, one of the most important ways to do Internet marketing, or any type of marketing at all, is through social media. With the advent of Facebook and its overall popularity, it is necessary for anyone that is serious about making money with a business online or off-line to tap into social media circles. Social media has risen to such great heights that it is actually taking over in regard to what online marketing used to be. Instead of placing ads on Google to be found when someone searches for something, it is becoming more normal to buy something while you are talking to a friend on a social media network. In this article, we will present social media marketing tips that can actually help you generate money in ways you may never have thought of.

The first thing you need to do is get a Facebook account as soon as you can. Facebook is the largest social media network on the planet, allowing you to tap into thousands of potential customers with the click of a button. Although, when the company began, they did not add advertising options. But now, as popular as it has become, it is imperative that you learn how to do social media marketing as quickly as possible. You can also generate traffic for free by simply sharing what you see on Facebook. The more people that you share things with, the more viral it becomes. Therefore, many marketers are using this social media network to drive massive amounts of traffic through social sharing and signals.

The second tip that you need to know in regard to social media is that not all of them are created equal. There are large networks of social media sites that are simply useless when it comes to trying to earn money. In fact, like many forums in the past that have come and gone, several networks that used to be large are now very small and dwindling even more. So if you decide to use social media to generate traffic to your websites, or the things that you have for sale, bigger is always better when it comes to social media. This is a rule of thumb that you must always follow when it comes to attracting massive quantities of targeted visitors to your services or products.

Finally, selling is not something that you want to do on a social media network. You want to motivate people by sharing things on a regular habitual basis. The regular sharing and posting of information is going to motivate them to continue to visit your page. The more that you put out, the more frequent that they will return. By doing this, you are conditioning the visitors to expect you to post new things. And when you post an occasional affiliate marketing link or a link to a product that you own, they will follow it like sheep because they are conditioned to like, comment on, and also follow the links that you provide because they trust you.

Social media marketing is the next step up from marketing in general. People that do this have realized great financial gains, all because they know how to work with social media and make it profitable for them and their business. Hopefully the tips in this article can get you started in the right direction when it comes to social media and how powerful it is for businesses today.

Social Media Marketing Tools for Free Promoting

Social Media Marketing Tools for Free Promoting

Any company that has an online website realizes that they need to develop a creative marketing campaign to drive new targeted audiences to the site. Simply building a website and putting it up online is not enough to receive quality traffic from interested visitors. However, there is cost effective advertising available for nearly free on the Internet that provides any business the opportunity to spread the word about the products and services they offer the public.

By finding the right target audience, any company can advertise the goods and services they provide. One effective tool for doing this is utilizing social networks, to locate interested individuals that want to visit your site.

Building a Basic Social Media Marketing Strategy

Getting involved in the social community using social media network sites is an easy solution for garnering a larger targeted audience to visit your site. However, social media is exactly that, it is “social”. It involves two-way communication, which is much different than traditional advertising where the company simply pushes their ads or promotions to the potential customer instead of inviting them to interact. However, part of an effective social media marketing strategy is to utilize the service to gain all of its benefits.

Obtaining a Facebook Page

The initial step in beginning in social media marketing is to create your company Facebook page. Once you have signed on, build a solid bio that describes exactly what your business provides in the way of services, promotions, information or products. Next, join a Facebook group that represents the ideal targeted audience based on demographics.

This way you can take aim directly on the type of audience that will be interested in the products and services you offer. Allow the visitors to leave comments, feedback and reviews on your site, and do the same on other sites that you visit. Be sure to include a link back in your signature when leaving a comment on a blogging site you visit in an effort to increase your promotions.

Obtaining a Twitter Page

The next step in promoting your online business is to create a free company Twitter account. Type in specific keywords into your Twitter search box that pertain to the products and services you provide. Based on the results, begin to follow as many of those individuals obtained through the search query.

Begin reading their updates to become fully engaged with the individuals. Use this as an effective platform for dispersing or disseminating crucial information about your company website. Additionally, use the Twitter account to answer any open question, on the products and goods you provide, or offer valuable content to help them find the answers are seeking and other items or information.

The last step is to create a blog site using WordPress or Blogger. Create your own blog. Use the blogging site as an effective tool to discuss specific features of your social networking site. Add valuable content and use your social media marketing strategy to redirect the targeted audience to your blogging site, and eventually your business website, where they can see the products and services your company offers.

Taking Full Advantage of Social Media Marketing Strategy

Taking Full Advantage of Social Media Marketing Strategy

Now that you have taken the time to open an account on Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, YouTube, Google Plus and others, do you even know what the next step is? Likely, your competitors already have a significant advantage over your inaction. They are gaining ground on grabbing a larger percentage of the niche market because they are using effective tools. These tools can connect with their potential and existing customers in a productive, meaningful way.

Whether or not you run a business for profit, strive to further an important cause through some type of nonprofit organization, or simply want to get the word out of something that is important to you, social media tools are effective at doing just that. They can help you instantly connect with existing and potential customers can gather quality feedback, comments and reviews that are crucial to your business.

The First Step

You have already taken the first step by opening an account with social media sites. However, the next thing to do is perform an online research that will help you determine exactly what your customers are interested in, and where they are currently looking to find solutions to their problems. You can do this by conducting an online survey or meeting up in online forms or other social media outlets to help you establish a customer base.

Creating Content

More than just dating on your Facebook, Twitter, YouTube or LinkedIn account of exactly where you are located, and what you seller offer, consider adding creative content. This type of content serves a dual purpose. It can help you develop a better relationship with your online visitors, while building a solid reputation as a website, blog, or social networking site that helps find solutions to their problems.

Part of that content can be quality updated blogging pros videos, or images that can be shared online. Avoid just jumping in and promoting your business, your cause, or the products and services you provide. The initial step is to get your online visitors talking with you, and to each other.

Finding Other Relevant Content

Everyone’s life is busy. We all do not have time to search around for the answers that we’re looking for. By stepping in, and finding relevant content that you can share with others is an effective way to build strong relationships in your online community. Use effective social media interaction tools by providing relevant pictures, links, and videos from other sites, blogs or social media sites. Again, the idea is to get others interested in coming to you when they need answers to their problems.

Respond Quickly

The social media world is fluid, where people come and go almost instantly. It is imperative to respond quickly to any concern or question of individuals in your online community. Recognized social media marketing is all about real-time communication. Taking hours or days to provide some type of feedback is usually unacceptable in the world social media.

What you establish a solid reputation in your online community, you can begin promoting your cause, selling your products, or asking others to leave feedback and comments on the services you provide.

The Advantages Of Social Media Marketing

The Advantages Of Social Media Marketing

If you would like to make more money on the Internet, or perhaps generate more sales for your regular business, social media really is the way to go. Back in the day when Google was the primary focus of the Internet, where information was King, everything has changed with the advent of social networking. Facebook has become the dominating force in this area, and social media marketing is definitely where you want to be. By using certain techniques on Facebook and other social media sites, you will be able to boost your business sales and revenue like never before because you are able to interconnect with so many millions of people. In this article, we will talk about ways that you can use social media marketing to your advantage in order to improve your overall business.

Most people today have a Facebook account. It is something that is as common as having a cell phone, or having a car to drive. Social networking is something that has made a huge change in the way that we not only interact with each other, but in the way that we do business online and off-line. One of the benefits to social media is that there is a trust factor involved, especially with individuals that have so much in common. Many people will join groups online through social media so that they can interact with like-minded people that will talk about the same things. You can use this to boost the amount of sales that you make with your business, but you have to do this in a certain way.

For instance, you can't simply join a group on a social media network, post links to your products and services, and hope that you will make a lot of money. People are there to socialize, and by doing this, it is not any different than sending spam to someone's email account. Therefore, you have to participate, as you would in a forum, getting people to know you, before you start marketing any products. The trust that you build with individuals in the group will eventually lead to additional sales. Unfortunately, this is a little slow. There is actually a better way.

Larger social media sites allow you to advertise. On Facebook, you can actually purchase what are called "Likes". This means that people will come to your Facebook page and "like" it if they find it interesting. By doing this, you're actually socializing and interacting with hundreds, if not thousands of different people, who may become potential customers. If they actually like what you have to offer, and actually follow you, these people may become potential clients. By using their built-in advertising, you can build a following very quickly, and eventually sell to them once trust is established.

Hopefully these tips on social media marketing will help you make additional sales by tapping into the millions of people that are interconnected online through social media. It is a marketplace that is wide open, and using these strategies, you will hopefully begin to profit in the near future.

The Benefits of Promoting through Social Media Marketing

The Benefits of Promoting through Social Media Marketing

Just like the company website, it is important to use social media sites for promoting the business. There are effective tools that any business can use to advertise the company website that will increase traffic to the site, filled with like-minded individuals.

In the last few years, social media networking sites have created a sea change on exactly how people communicate with one another. As a result, this has created an enormous boon for organizations and businesses by offering a new channel to reach potential customers, donors and constituents.

Effective social marketing channels including blogs, Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Google Plus, and discussion boards along with a huge host of photo sharing sites have created a new wave of communication. The social media sites are the ideal location for promoting business. It offers an avenue for free publicity and can turn any challenging social media network strategy into a worthwhile venture. There are significant ways that any company can leverage the social media network sites to their advantage.

The Benefits of Facebook

Many companies use Facebook as a way to publicize the services and products they provide. It offers an instant way to build a community of like-minded businesses and organizations and can be uses an effective tool for keeping tabs on the company’s competitors.

In addition to that, Facebook offers an easy way to post pictures of products, services, publications, and other valuable content. It offers an easy tool for conducting polls, offering feedback, or accepting comments and reviews. Many businesses use Facebook as an effective customer service portal.

The Benefits of Twitter

The fastest way to create any type of buzz about the company’s new products or services is to utilize Twitter. Using 140 characters or less, the company can redirect the targeted audience to other social media sites including their Facebook account. They can post relevant updates on upcoming events, or the launching of a new product or service. Twitter allows the use of hash tags that develop an instant trend on all of the company topics.

The Benefits of Blogs

A quick and easy way to develop a unique URL for the company is to use a blog. It allows instant access to potential customers to display usable content. It is an effective tool for adding visual content including audio, videos and pictures as an effective way to increase engagement on the site. Blogs often are used as an active tool for posting comments, or engaging in communication with potential customers and customers about the products and services the company provides.

Things to Avoid

Social media marketing is all about finding the right platforms to engage in healthy two-way communication between the business and its consumers. However, it should never be utilized as a tool to attack the company, which in the end could cause a PR disaster. It is important that one person is specifically designated to monitor every social media site the company uses to instantly handle any online conflict. Any response that is given online should always be in a professional manner.

The Future Of Marketing? Or Just Another Annoying Ploy?

The Future Of Marketing?  Or Just Another Annoying Ploy?

Like it, love it, hate it, tweet it.  Social media has become the ideal way for most people to keep in touch.  It is the fastest growing media outlet in the world.  In just 5 years, from December 2004 to December 2009, Facebook grew from 1 million users to over 350 million.  It took television decades to reach that kind of viewership.  And social media continues to grow.

Given the tremendous amount of people who make use of it, marketing companies would be amiss if they didn't make use of social networking.  The idea is simple and cost-effective: spread your message via individual users.  What makes it effective?

Let's illustrate it like this: say there's a local restaurant at which you've never eaten.  You see a commercial on television, telling you how good they are.  Now, let's say your trusted friend tells you they're expensive, dirty and the food isn't any good.  Who do you believe?  The answer is obvious.

The fact that people are more likely to believe trusted, third-parties such as friends and relatives, over companies themselves is not lost on marketers.  For years they've tried to tap into word-of-mouth marketing.  Some companies have successfully done so.  The problem is that such companies are few and far between.  Word-of-mouth advertising is notoriously unreliable.

Thus enters social media.  There are many people who enjoy posting about almost everything they do.  Including where they shop, eat and hang out.  If they happen to find a good deal on something they've always wanted, or enjoy a really good meal, one of the first things they'll do is post about it.  And there you have it.  Free advertising.

This isn't the only way companies can make use of social media though.  Most companies have a Facebook or Twitter account.  This gives both businesses and consumers an easily accessible outlet for communication.  It can also provide great advertising opportunities.

In this case, marketers play a little bit of a psychological ploy.  Most people don't think of corporation when they use social media, they think of their friends who also use it.  Hence, social media becomes inherently associated with friends, trusted individuals.  This association can spill over into interactions with companies.  That interaction then feels more personal.

Companies, of course, are not afraid to try mixing in more traditional marketing methods into social media marketing.  It seems like you can't use any free service without there being some form of advertising,  from having to watch a commercial before you can watch what you wanted to, to annoying ads that pop-up while you're in the middle of a game of Angry Birds.

We may wonder why these distracting, annoying methods are still used.  The answer is simple: it works.  Rest assured, no corporation would invest millions upon millions of dollars in anything, if they didn't expect to turn a profit.

No matter your opinion on social media, it is here to stay.  All marketing companies should be quick to jump on that bandwagon.  Less they miss their golden opportunity.

The Importance Of Social Media Marketing

The Importance Of Social Media Marketing

No business can survive and thrive without marketing. The problem of small businesses is that marketing can get expensive, so they barely can afford to make a proper marketing plan and stick to it. This is where social media marketing comes into play. Even if your business is not online yet, you can still take advantage of social media to promote your brick and mortar shop. It works for all kinds of businesses.

Social media is the latest craze of the new millennium. Almost all of us have at least one social media account, if not several. People use social media to share interesting things with their friends and acquaintances. They ask their friends for recommendations via social media. Twitter is an awesome platform for rapidly spreading the news about such and such event that is turning the world upside-down just as we type. Facebook is great for sharing amazing websites and videos with your circle of friends. LinkedIn is the perfect place to build yourself a professional profile where former colleagues and employers can endorse your skills.

You do want to be part of all this, so your business has to be wherever your customers are. Moreover, in social media, your customers will form communities, fact that makes them even more powerful when it comes to endorsing your services or products to their circles.

The beauty of social media is that people use it to communicate and share. Whenever they spend time on a social network, they are already in the sharing mood. This is the right mood for them to receive your message, as they are ready to pass it on to their friends. Some of them might even be looking for cool things to spread the news about and keep their followers and fans entertained.

A big advantage of social media marketing is that it is fairly inexpensive. You can advertise on Facebook, for instance, for very little money and enjoy the advantage of reaching precisely your core target. The core target of your service or product is formed by those 20% of your customers who make you 80% of your profits. Paretto's law applies in this case, as well as in other branches of marketing.

When you plan your social media marketing strategy and tactics, you need to keep in mind that classic advertising may not work in this interactive environment. You do need to think out of the box and come out with pieces of content or video clips that have the potential of becoming viral.

One of the ways to include social media into your marketing mix is to set up a blog for your business. Blogging is excellent because it offers your customers a way to interact with you directly by leaving comments on your articles. You can use the blog to your advantage by organizing polls on various issues related to your products. In this way, you'll be able to fine-tune your marketing message and actions in order to get in the top of mind of everybody who could use the things you sell.

Briefly, social media should be part of any smart marketing plan, no matter what you business is about.

The Most Successful Social Media Marketing Methods

The Most Successful Social Media Marketing Methods

Developing an efficient social media marketing campaign will allow you to reach out to a wider audience. You should learn more about efficient social media marketing methods before launching your campaign. Go over the following article to learn more about social media.

You can develop a successful social media marketing campaign by adapting your strategies to the audience you want to target. You should get to know your audience better, for instance by asking customers to answer to surveys. Find out which sites your customers check on a regular basis and try developing a strong presence on these networks instead of assuming that your customers use Facebook or Twitter.

Sharing quality content on social media is the best way to get a good number of subscribers. You should share links to your blog posts, take pictures of your new products and of course let subscribers know about discounts and promotional offers. Communicate with your subscribers to find out what kind of content they are the most interested in.

You should give customers a good reason to sign up for your social media marketing campaign. Offering a small immediate discount to the customers who subscribe to your updates is a good way to generate some interest for this campaign. You could also use social media to share exclusive content with subscribers, for instance to let them know about new products you are about to release.

Encourage your subscribers to react on your updates. Posting thought-provoking or entertaining content is a great way to get your subscribers to react. You should never try offending or shocking your audience to get a reaction. If something you post gets a negative reaction, learn from your mistakes and make an effort to post content your audience will enjoy in the future.

Make sure your social media marketing campaign is connected to the other platforms you use. You could for instance share links to your social media profiles on your blog or on your website. If you send out automated emails to your subscribers, add a link to your social media profiles in your signature. You can also use your social media profiles to draw attention to other campaign, for instance by adding a link to your blog on your profile.

Encourage your audience to send you questions via social media. Using social networks for customer service purposes is a great way to interact with your audience and develop a positive image for your brand. Let customers know they can ask a question or share a comment with you by simply writing on your Facebook wall or tagging you in one of their updates. Do your best to answer to all the questions and comments you get in a positive manner.

Using social media marketing will help you sell more products but keep in mind that developing an efficient social media marketing campaign can take some time. Apply the tips you just read and do more research on social media before you get started.

The Necessity Of Social Media Marketing

The Necessity Of Social Media Marketing

Social media marketing has become a necessity if you want to stay even or exceed the efforts of your competition. Our society literally functions tuned into social media each day, and if you are not there with them you and your business are being left behind.

Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest are all being used to the hilt to promote products and services to the extent that these are the places that up and coming younger people are looking to find their products and services. It is estimated that the age group of 15 to 24 derives 95% of all their knowledge about the world in general and their desired products and services specifically from this source.

Print, radio and TV are still the huge marketing platforms in the advertising industry, but the demographics are changing rapidly. Since many people carry their smart phones with them everywhere they go, the competition for ad space on that platform is becoming more and more competitive each and every day.

What if you could focus your brand, or your company directly to the market of people who would readily give your product a serious look, if only they knew about you and where they could buy your product? Would that be valuable to your business? Of course it would, in a heartbeat! That is what social media can do.

There are billions of people on the social media sites right now, and even though the marketing side of things is still in its infancy, things are heating up in a hurry. If an idea or a product catches on with Facebook or Twitter, for example, a concept can “go viral” and have thousands of individuals view it in a matter of hours.

Campaigns can now be planned around specific products and regions where people that are interested in certain concepts and ideas will respond depending upon their likes and dislikes, regional feelings, and the like. Identifying and locating specific individuals who think a certain way is a better method of selling something than throwing up a bunch of ads hoping that someone will see them and buy something.

Even though most of the social media is designed for that purpose, being socially active, there is still a lot of room for marketing to those people. Individuals will tend to mimic what their friends do as they derive credibility from their digital media friends and rely on that as being credible.

Social media allows for marketers to reach thousands of people through the friend’s networks that never would be possible with other types of advertising methods. The process utilizes the power of relational influence for people to validate their opinions. The old adage of, “If it is good enough for Mary, it ought to be good enough for me”, prevails in the thinking of people.

Business should now be embracing the advantages of social media marketing and learning all about how to implementing it into their regular marketing budget. It is just in the beginning stages and during the next several years it will blow the lid off the top of the current concepts of marketing and advertising in general.

The Rise Of Social Media Marketing

The Rise Of Social Media Marketing

Social media is a term used to describe the phenomenon that has grown during the past several years to a gigantic tidal wave of connectivity through twitters, facebook friends, and pins. Today there are billions of individuals on these social sites, divulging every detail of their daily lives and sharing information on everything.

When people are interested in things they talk about it and that is where social media marketing comes in. Once a product or a service catches on as a discussion topic, it will be spread around among the people who are involved on the social sites. If it is worth talking about, and people are interested in it, they will talk about it, giving the product unbelievable exposure.

There is a problem however, because if a company blatantly promotes a product, it will fall dead in the water. After all, this is a social site, and if somebody boldly advertises then it is not well though of. If the post is advertised, it won’t go anywhere. It has to come from a member or a friend or a tweet.

It is possible through some of the social sites, to optimize discussions and find groups of people who have the same interest and market to segments of those groups. A good analogy would be that if a person wants to sell tires, all he needs to do is find people who are driving around with bald tires and he will be successful.

Business is beginning to catch on to the fact that they can start a rumor on the social media site that will catch the interest of people, so that they begin tweeting, friending and pinning. Soon it is a word-of-mouth activity and it has taken on a life of its own. The advertising cost is very small compared to a regular ad campaign. Yet the message is reaching thousands of people in a narrow niche.

The social media marketing concept is still just in its infancy, yet it is already showing just how much power there is this method of getting the word out. As technologies grow, it tends to grow in an amorphous manner, yet seems to become more organized as the process begins to mature.

The rule of advertising is to say clearly, say often, and say loud, then tell them what to do. Many of the activity and purchasing on the social media sites is spontaneous in nature with is perfect for the modern American advertisers. A huge portion of our buying habits is also spontaneous, and a huge market is still emerging.

Marketers are giving away coupons, free products, free meals, and other incentives to entice people to “try” their product or service in return for their email address. Then they can market to the email address. So far that particular type of plan has been very successful.

There is a steady increase in companies spending for social media marketing as they see increasing results that are favorable to their marketing efforts. There is every indication that this trend will continue as new generations come into the social website community.

The Social Media Marketing Revolution

The Social Media Marketing Revolution

Traditional marketing methods rely heavily on targeting a defined demographic through either above or below the line advertising. Above the line advertising relies primarily on print adverts or television advertising. A rough guideline is that if you pay for it and it uses the media, then it can usually be defined as above the line adverting. Below the line does not use the paid media, and can consist of a whole variety of tools, such as pamphlets or even product demonstrations.

Those some of the options available to marketing professionals in the past, but what of today? If there is one development that can be said to have revolutionized the marketing environment it is the rapid rise and unparalleled reach of the social media.

Today businesses and brands are using the social media to reach consumers where and when they are most open to marketing messages. They are engaging in conversations with their target audiences that are improving their product and service offerings in a real time way that has never before been possible.

The multitude of different social media platforms that are popular among varied audience segments means that the organization can reach people with relevant and engaging messaging which is tailored to their unique requirements. By developing quality content, including video and images (as well as great copy)popular brands are also encouraging brand champions to share that content, meaning that companies can reach more people, more cost effectively than ever before.

So what are the keys to great social media marketing? Firstly that content has to be engaging and add value to the Internet experience of the individual. This value can be in the form of information that allows them to take action, such as a special offer or that gives them valuable information on the products that they use. Some brands are also harnessing the power of humor. Interesting and amusing content such as video has been proven to increase sharing across the social network.

One of the keys to producing exceptional content for social media marketing purposes is to know the requirements of the audience. The social media is by nature interactive which means that consumers can give their opinions and voice their concerns about brands in real time. In order to leverage this interactivity brands need to respond in kind. Ignoring or not responding quickly to consumer concerns can have extremely negative impacts on the brand reputation.

Unique and engaging content will also help businesses elevate their standing in search engine rankings which can have the effect of attracting more consumers to their owned marketing real estate, such as a blog or website. Once the consumer reaches this destination it is up to the company social media manager to make the most of any interaction.

So how do brands go about creating brand ambassadors from consumers? One of the first steps may be to engage the services of content marketers who will quickly identify the needs of the consumers and advise the business on the best types of content to create.

Top 5 Sites for Social Media Marketing

Top 5 Sites for Social Media Marketing

Social media is sweeping the internet as the next big and important think when it comes to reaching out to customers and potential customers and improving brand image.  Many new social medial sites pop up all the time but they don’t always make it in the mainstream.  Some of the most profound sites for social media marketing that simply cannot be overlooked include Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Google Plus and Slideshare.


The days of using Facebook simply to connect with family and friends have changed.  Today, Facebook is used by businesses to create strong brand image, to shed light on new products or services, to promote a brand and to become more involved with potential customers and clients as well as with existing customers.  Facebook is one social media marketing site that many businesses are now using on a daily basis to help improve the online presence and brand image while learning about customer needs along the way.


Who would have thought that something so simple—saying what you want to say in 140 characters or less—would take off so far?  With millions of users and hundreds of millions of tweets being sent out each day, Twitter is a must be place for social media marketing.  Many companies choose to use more than one Twitter profile so that they are able to interact with customers, potential customers, other members of the company and other areas of the social world on different levels.


A picture says a thousand words right?  So why not post hundreds of pictures for the world to see?  This social media marketing site is especially great for companies that are selling products that are best visualized as well as for those in the travel, food and restaurant or entertainment industry.  Pinterest allows you to post images of what’s happening in your business, what you like, what you’re doing or pretty much anything you want—for the world to see!

Google Plus

Social media marketing probably wouldn’t be complete if Goolge didn’t at least have some say in what goes on!  Google Plus is a relatively new social media site but it’s quickly sweeping the net.  Let’s face it, Google likes to rank sites that are in their network and Goolge Plus is just that!  Google Plus is very similar to Facebook and some of the other social media sites allowing users to create Circles and groups of friends, colleagues, or followers who share in similar interests.


Social media marketing isn’t only about sharing your latest event or photo—for businesses, Slideshare provides a way to showcase to the world what they are talking about.  Slideshare is a platform that allows users to post their presentation slides for others to see and to share.  Marketers and business owners who are passionate about a particular subject can create a presentation on the subject, post the slides to Slideshare and portray their message to all who want to see.  Slideshare is fun for mixing interactive messages, photos, slides and presentations into the social media marketing mix.

Top Social Media Marketing Mistakes To Avoid

Top Social Media Marketing Mistakes To Avoid

Social media marketing is one of the top ways to advertise your business and products these days. The power of social media can propel you to the top of the financial ladder…or it can cause you to topple and die. There is a finesse to good social media marketing, that includes avoiding some of the dangers listed below.

1. Don’t overpay for services. If you want to have so many tweets go out a day, you don’t have to pay for a service that will do that for you. There are third party sites and software that will let you schedule things such as tweets and Facebook posts. Paying for this service would be a huge waste of money when you can be allocating your budget to better things. But since we’re talking about scheduling posts…

2. Don’t spam. Spamming is the greatest way to not only lose followers but to also get your business accounts blocked or even deleted. As a business you don’t want to be annoying your client base. No one wants to see the same post every hour on the hour. Instead of enticing people to come check you out, you are instead alienating them and projecting a negative image.

3. Don’t ignore your followers. If you have fans or happy customers sending you messages and essentially advertising on your behalf, don’t ignore them. Instead, show your appreciation by occasionally responding or running giveaways in their honor. The worst thing you can do is make them feel like they don’t matter. On the other hand, if you are receiving hostile comments, ignore them. On that note…

4. Don’t start fights or attack your competitors. In fact, don’t do anything negative in public. If you wouldn’t announce it in the newspaper or broadcast it on a commercial, don’t talk about it on your social media, either. Potential clients and followers enjoy a good corporate blowup for all the wrong reasons – to make fun of them and use them as negative examples.

5. Don’t treat some followers better than others. You probably can’t reply to everyone, but don’t make it look like you’re only responding to a certain kind of person. Some of the worst social media meltdowns were when companies were accused of favoring their “good looking” and “rich” followers over anyone else. Value each one of your followers as if they were your best customer – even if they’re sending you hate mail.

You may be wondering what should you do if you shouldn’t do any of the things above. It’s easy: engage, offer good information, and be professional and courteous. If you have an intern or assistant running your social media for you, check in once in a while to see what’s going on.

Social media marketing doesn’t have to be hard or daunting. Treat it like you would any other corner of marketing or advertising. Put on your best suit, smile real wide, and you will attract loyal followers who are thankful to follow a business like yours.

Using Social Media Marketing

Using Social Media Marketing

The concept of social media marketing is the process of obtaining traffic on the Internet by focusing on social media sites to gain attention. The whole concept of social media is to have members share information and content that they want to talk about and others will become interested and share as well, and after a while the information will “go viral” which means that it will take on a life of its own.

This kind of marketing is propelled by word-of-mouth and interest grows by the assumption that the information is reliable because a friend is proposing the idea or this other trusted source is all for this conversation, so it must be trustworthy information.

The access to social media websites is fairly easy for anyone to jump into if they are able to access the Internet. Organizations and businesses have caught on that all of this easy access can have huge marketing implications for ideas and products. The interaction of individuals happens at lightning speed, and is a relatively inexpensive way to get the message out, so to speak.

By allowing individuals to interact with one another, relationships are formed. This interaction between people feels real and personal, as they share their experiences and every day happenings. Individuals can “friend” or allow others into a more private interactive setting so as to not be overwhelmed by numbers and also to keep out spammers.

So individual followers are allowed to repost an item or retweet it, and when that occurs and the message is repeated, then all of the other connections of the users are able to see the repeated message, and so on. Soon the message is being repeated to people that the initial reposter never heard of and the message is reaching untold hundreds and thousands of people. This will bring traffic back to the original poster.

By utilizing social networking sites, companies can also interact with individual followers. This brings a feeling of loyalty among the followers and friends with potential customers. By choosing whom to follow and post to, products and concepts can begin to reach a very narrow audience.

Social networking sites also contain a huge amount of demographics telling what people are interested in, where they live, their ages, their incomes, and their education. It can show what type of person will be looking at a particular product and at what time and cost that they are willing to pay for it. Also to be able to plug into trends by knowing what people are talking about on a social media network site, is a great way to target a product to the market place and offer people what they want.

The new dynamic is that the people who are active on the social media websites are not just passive viewers of events. They are participants in shaping the future of any product as they give opinions and comments, as others read their thoughts and feelings about a particular subject. Businesses are just now catching on to this powerful method of advertising because it is instant and it happens fast. And we have just seen the beginning. It will be interesting to experience the future.

Why I Like Social Media Marketing

Why I Like Social Media Marketing

Social media marketing is one of my favorite forms of marketing. That wasn't always true because in the beginning I didn't know what I was doing. Like many marketers, I thought that marketing on social media was just about posting links and telling people to buy your products. I was gravely wrong and I wasted many months marketing in that ineffective style. I think that I suffered with social media marketing because it was more of an after thought. I was making money in other arenas so I didn't put much work into it. I'm glad that I eventually decided to figure it out.

Not to toot my own horn or slap myself on the back too much, but I am great when it comes to marketing theory. I've studied a ton psychology over the years and in recent years I've been studying more about the psychology of marketing and sales. I've learned so much from studying this that I incorporate what I've learned into all my marketing campaigns. I have also creating my own marketing theory that I apply to my marketing efforts. I really love trying to figure what the market needs and how best to deliver it to them.

When to comes to social media, the market is looking for entertainment and information. I can't always give them entertainment but I can give the good information in an easy to digest form. The majority of my social media efforts is based around sharing info. I don't share notes or huge blocks of text. I simply state a problem, why people suffer at it, why they can continue to suffer at it, and how to solve that issue. I am very succinct with it and people appreciate it.

Also, to vary my message, I use videos to explain the concepts and the solutions. I even hire other people to do the video. I always lead in with text about the problem and the solution. I have found this to be a great way to market on social media platforms. Everyone loves videos and you can make a good video go viral within a few days. That is the gift on the internet, being able to reach masses of people with a click of the button.

I always try to hit the fundamentals and the emotional side of an issue without being overly sappy.

As you can see, social media marketing is a great was to earn money and it's a great place to market. Marketer who invest the time on quality content with reap the greatest reward. I didn't start making money until I focused on quality content. Quality content gets shared at fast rates, which equals more money for me. I also focus on what issues people have in life, why they have these issue and how best to solve them. This is how you master social media and build a great reputation for sharing interesting informational things that people can actually use.

Why Use Social Media Marketing Today?

Why Use Social Media Marketing Today?

Anyone that has a regular brick and mortar store, or an online presence such as a website or a blog, needs to realize the power of social media. Although Facebook was considered a trend that might soon go away, it has defied all of the people that said this, sporting over 1 billion users worldwide. There are other social networks as well, showing that the power of social media is here to stay. When you are able to tap into social media, and use it for your marketing purposes, you'll be well on your way to financial freedom. Here are a few tips that you can use to use social media marketing to your advantage when trying to sell your products or services on the web.

Talking with your friends on Facebook, or sending them a tweet on Twitter seems like something normal to do in today's society. Five years ago, this was not the case at all. Most people communicated with a regular cell phone, or sent an email to friends and family. But due to the advent of smart phones and social media, the interconnectivity of everyone on the planet has increased 100 fold. This is good news, especially for people that have Internet Marketing experience, because they will be able to tap into this large network of people to start making money online. Sadly, you can't just send a tweet or make a post and hope that someone will buy something. This would be similar to setting up a random website and hoping people will buy something through your affiliate link. There are techniques that you must utilize to maximize your revenue using social media today.

A great way to motivate people to buy what you have is to get them to trust you. Trust is a huge factor when it comes to selling anything online or off-line. One of the best ways to gain a person's trust through social media is to create your own social media presence. This could be as simple as setting up a Facebook page and talking about information related to the product or service you are marketing. As more people join you, they will start to trust you. As you make regular posts everyday, they will see you as one of them. Due to this trust, if you ever made a post referencing a product or service that you are selling, they would be more likely to buy it. By creating a social media presence, you can build trust, and then subsequently increase the amount of money that you make.

These tips on social media marketing are designed to help you get a jumpstart in regard to how interconnected everyone is. By garnering the trust of people, you can use social media to your advantage by providing them with advice, and then solutions in the form of products and services, that they will be more inclined to buy from you due to the power of social media.

Why Your Business Needs Social Media Marketing

Why Your Business Needs Social Media Marketing

If you want your business to be successful, you need to observe the trends and keep pace with them. One of the current trends that gained a lot of traction over the past few years is social media. We all use Facebook and Titter, we love sharing cool stuff on Pinterest or to keep in touch with friends on Google Plus.

Wherever people form communities, word-of-mouth marketing does wonders to a good product or service. People love to share. If your business caters to one of their greatest needs or wants, they will most probably tell the whole world about it. They would be your best and most convincing marketing agents, which you aren't even paying.

Social media offers the possibility of very narrow segmenting of your target group. This is very useful for your marketing campaigns, because you'll get a much better ROI when you target your best buyer. You know her profile from your past sales reports, and now you can talk directly to her, using the language she understands and resonates with, on Facebook, for instance.

Paretto's law applies here, as well as in many other fields: 20% of your customers make you 80% of your sales. This is why it's much more effective to direct your marketing efforts towards this segment of the total population, because they want your product and they only need a little boost of their desire to make them click on a link or add something in a virtual shopping cart.

If you bring your business close to your consumers' heart, you only have to win. If you lead, they will follow. Social media is the perfect environment where good leaders thrive. Be one of them and crowds will follow you.

Becoming a leader is not an easy task, though, so you'll need to have a very well-thought plan and a careful implementation. This is why many businesses prefer to hire specialists in social media to handle their online presence. Thanks to their expertise, specialists know better what works and what doesn't, so they are probably the most appropriate persons to recommend you comprehensive action plans that would bring you social media success and recognition.

Big PR agencies realized this need and developed special social media departments, to provide exclusively social media marketing and PR services to their customers. If you look at TV advertisements, you'll notice that most big advertisers give their Facebook page for people to stay updated with their news. Several years ago, this would have seemed totally crazy: not to lead people to your own website. Now it's not crazy, but it's something you should do if you want to keep in touch with the young generation. Younger target groups are better because their purchasing power is bigger. Besides, the older they get, the more money they will make, so the more they will afford to spend. You want to have them close to you even from their teen years. This will bring you long term benefits older people wouldn't, because as they age, they will rather make less money.