Thursday, December 4, 2014

Tools for Building Quality Strategies Using Social Media Marketing

Tools for Building Quality Strategies Using Social Media Marketing

Many individuals and companies have the ability to stay connected online using social media networks. They use the tool to learn new valuable information and as a way to share entertainment through profiles and accounts that are created to represent companies and individuals.

Companies use social media marketing strategies as an effective component to inform their customers and potential customers about the services and products they provide. In addition, social media network sites are the ideal platform for building brand recognition and as an effective tool to enhance the company’s online presence.

However, not every social media networking marketing strategy is proven to be successful. When improperly implemented, the wrong strategy can alienate consumers and lose potential business. There are significant keys that are necessary to create an effective social media marketing strategy.


Certainly one of the major reasons that customers and potential customers usually log into all of their social media accounts is for some form of entertainment. They enjoy looking at photos of family and friends, or use the platform to share enjoyable video clips. Social media is often a great way to repost new sources, entertaining headlines, or sports updates.

One of the most viable strategies for developing effective social media marketing is to blend in available entertainment into the company blog. This does not require connecting to stupid video clips, stale jokes, or poor content that seems to engage a high number of online users. The company must remember to remain professional while offering compelling updates and content.

The Perfect Timing

No one wants to be yesterday’s news. It is important that the company utilizes effective social media marketing strategies in a timely manner. This means that every blog post should be used to attract the consumer’s attention in a variety of ways. It can be used to promote a new service or product, or simply add content that is beneficial to the targeted audience, whether it has anything or not to do with the business.

New Effective Content

Companies often underestimate the importance of routinely posting updated new content, especially on social media sites. Allowing the same status update to remain on the top of the business blog for weeks at a time indicates to the targeted audience that any social media networking is simply not a priority to the company. At the same time, company should avoid updating their customers or potential customers with worthless content just to provide an updated daily post.


While social media networks are designed to be inclusive, and democratic, this does not in any way mean that the company cannot target a specific audience or demographic. The business should use every reputable means to find the right type of audience and followers that share the same interests as the company.

Once found, the company should use integration tools to strengthen their marketing campaign. This might mean offering a free coupon to anyone that interacts with the company by leaving a comment, feedback or review of the company products or services.

Videos And Web Design

Videos And Web Design

Video killed the radio star, and now it's taking aim at text as well. The age-old fear that movies and TV could kill the reading experience may be exaggerated, but it is true that less and less people want to read on the internet. Instead, they want to see it move.

With YouTube being one of the most visited site in the world, it has become necessary for creators to include videos on their sites. Less text, more videos are the prevalent rule, as people tend to get bored quickly. Most people can't hold back when they see the familiar YouTube play button on a site. As web designers there is no reason to hold back on supporting that urge. People want to watch videos, so lets give them videos. As long as they are short.


With sites like Vine on the rise, social media is also turning to video. Vine offers seven second videos per post and while many may find this at first ridiculous, it is already possible to create movie trailers running only seven seconds – in stark contrast to the two to three minute trailers that seem to give away entire plots. Vine videos can also be posted on blogs and sites and while it is still a developing technology, there is no doubt it will increase in use and importance. In due time it and other micro-video sites will take their place among social media buttons.

Facebook is also adapting to the rise in video demand. Since smart phones are capable of playing, filming and uploading HD video footage, we can expect more videos on your friend's Facebook pages instead of pictures -- including embarrassing ones.

With the launch of Google Glass video steps even closer. Don't listen to the personal privacy violation hype -- Google Glass is not capable of filming all the time. The truth is filming drains the batteries quickly, as does the uploading. Google Glass is therefore less of a privacy concern than most might believe. When it comes to possibly invading your privacy, smart phones and tablets are still a lot more dangerous.

Making a site or blog video capable is a cinch. YouTube and Vimeo and other web video sites allow for embedding. Simply create the video and place it in the desired spot. Many have had success in putting a video right on the first page to give the client a visual welcome message. More videos throughout the site can increase the time visitors spend on a page, and that in turn is good for search engine ranking.

While text and images are still indispensable for a site to be ranked by Google, it shouldn't be long before there is a way for videos to be individually searched and indexed. Eventually they will become an integral part of search engine results and people will rely more and more on just watching instead of reading.

We have seen the future, and it has a play button.

Web Design And How To Use It To Your Advantage

Web Design And How To Use It To Your Advantage

There is a lot that goes into web design that you need to know before you start getting into it. You'll have to know what goes into making your page stand out from the rest if you want your site to do well. Here are some tried and true tips that professionals use to create great websites.

You're going to want to make sure that your site is easy to navigate. This means that you probably shouldn't come up with some really complicated menu system. Even if you come up with a menu that's nice looking on the surface, if it frustrates the person on the website for any reason, then they are likely not to want to work with your site and they'll get whatever they were looking for from someone else. Don't let that happen and have an easy way for people to get around on your website.

Pay attention to the fonts you're going to be using and the backgrounds you'll be using too. Don't make it too hard to read things on your site. It's never a good idea to use colors that are too bright either. If you want people to visit your site and to come back again, they're going to need to be able to see what they're doing on your site. Nothing tells people to avoid a site more than a bright neon background with scrolling text going all over the place.

Try to think of a way to create a mobile site that people can go to if they are on a mobile device. People with a mobile device that visit a site aren't working with a screen that's very big. This means that they may not want to visit your site because there are a lot of images or something on it. Even if you don't make a mobile version of your site, at least make sure that your page is able to load in just a few seconds. This means you shouldn't keep a lot of content on the homepage.

Another thing to think about is search engine optimization. This is basically the way that you optimize your website so that it does better in the search engine results. You basically pick out a number of words that you think people will be looking for when they want a site like yours. Then you take these keywords and you write your content around them. It's a good idea to hire someone else to do this for you if you want your site to be seen by more people. Just know that it takes a little while for this to work so you shouldn't expect a bunch of traffic for a little bit.

Now you should have a rough idea of what you need to do to have a great looking website. Just take all the information you've learned here and use it to help you build your site. If you are successful, then you'll know that what you read here really works!

Website Design Tips That You Must Implement

Website Design Tips That You Must Implement

When you are designing your website, you need to think beyond the outward appearance that you see. If you are an Internet marketer, and you are seriously trying to make a living on the World Wide Web, the aesthetic appeal of your website is just one option to consider. Website design has a lot more to do with the positioning of things on your website, how quickly the website loads, and whether or not it involves HTML or a WordPress blog. Although your design is important, these other components are equally as important as well. In this article, we will address the many different components of website design and provide tips that you should implement in order to improve your Internet marketing efforts.

Before you create your website, you need to consider what type of website you are actually going to make. It doesn't matter if you are selling a product that you own, or if you are marketing an affiliate product for someone else. The actual type of website that you create can make or break your business depending upon how it functions. For instance, if you create an HTML website, you need to be able to make changes on the fly. If you are not a website programmer, or if you don't know anything about HTML, the simplest change might not be something you will be able to do. This is why many people use WordPress blogs. They are easy to install, and you are able to make changes very quickly without any knowledge of programming or HTML. This makes it very simple for even the newbie to start a website, and make the changes necessary to improve his or her overall sales.

After you have created your website, you need to consider how fast it actually loads. One of the key factors in ranking on the search engines is how quickly a website will load once a potential visitor clicks on the link to see it. If it takes longer than 5 seconds, you will more than likely lose the visitor because they are not going to have the patience to wait. Although some people have slow Internet connections, in most cases, the problem lies in the type of website you have created and whether or not you have too many graphics on your site which can cause it to load very slowly. Therefore, once the site is operational, make the necessary changes to speed up your load time so that visitors will be happy and so that Google will improve your rankings in the organic listings.

Setting up a website is not an easy task, even if you have some experience. There are many variables to consider, especially when it comes to website design. If you are able to create a WordPress blog that loads very quickly, you can provide the user with a great experience and also appease Google and other search engines who will reward you for your efforts.